St. Mark's Church in Evanston. The church was locally landmarked due to the efforts of the neighborhood in parternship with Cincinnati Preservation.
Since 1964, Cincinnati Preservation has been working to save the places that make Cincinnati special. Not just architectural treasures like Music Hall and Union Terminal, but the ordinary neighborhoods that give the city its character. We see preservation as part of a larger mission, to promote vibrant, walkable, sustainable neighborhoods and strengthen the local economy. In addition to working to preserve historic places, we advocate for progressive public policies that reward smart growth, respect our heritage and promote sustainability.
Concerned about a historic building in your community?
The story of historic preservation in Cincinnati is a story of collaboration and partnerships. We are lucky to work with many local community organizations including, Community Councils, Neighborhood Associations, local historic societies, Community Development Corporations, and local museums. In addition, we are grateful for our event, advocacy, program, and grant funding partners listed below.
All of our partners make it possible for us to use our historic resources to continue to make Cincinnati a vibrant, livable, and welcoming place to live, work and play.