Statement on House Bill 45 from CPA Executive Director, Beth Johnson

Perseverance on Vine is a multi-building project that combined LIHTC and HTC. 3CDC and Over-the-Rhine Community Housing partnered on the project. New Republic Architecture was the architect. Image provided by New Republic Architecture.


Click here for information on how to contact your state elected officials about your concerns on House Bill 45 and sample language for your communication


On Friday January 6th Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed budget legislation containing two provisions that both historic preservation and affordable housing advocates urged him to veto. One provision of House Bill 45 prevents property owners from pairing federal low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs) with state historic tax credits (HTCs) for the preservation and rehabilitation of historic buildings. This new law prevents future projects from combining those incentives and also applies to properties in development but not placed in service.


Another provision allows county auditors to assess the value of affordable housing properties based on the market rate, rather than their income-based rent ceilings–a change that is expected to lead to higher property tax bills for those properties that can’t afford the added expense. This could potentially cause existing affordable housing projects to be converted to market rate causing residents to be displaced and historic buildings to become vacant.


The above 2 provisions will put Ohio’s affordable and workforce properties at risk: both of being created, and from being able to continue operation. This will reduce availability and exacerbate the severe shortage that Cincinnati already faces. Cincinnati has been a tremendous example of of the positive impact of  using Low Income Housing Tax Credit and Historic Tax Credit together. Both are vital tools to transforming communities and retaining an economically diverse population within changing neighborhoods. Using these tools together are key for equitable development and healthy communities. These are essential tools for Cincinnati to address the dire need for  quality affordable housing for our citizens, while saving and using  Cincinnati’s historic buildings as sustainable and attractive places for affordable housing.


The passing of House Bill 45 prevents this from happening and is an assault on Cincinnati and other communities that leverage their historic buildings for holistic community development. CPA will be working with our partners locally and statewide, as well as the City of Cincinnati, to advocate for  state policy and legislative changes that are vital for Cincinnati to continue to do equitable historic preservation development reusing our historic buildings.


We encourage all of our historic preservation advocates, partners, and members to contact your state elected officials to express your concerns regarding these provisions and to encourage legislation to reverse them.


Language that you can use in your communications is below.  Thank you for being an advocate for historic preservation and affordable housing in your community


“My name is (your first and last name) and I am a (advocate/community member/resident) who resides in your district.

We oppose the provisions in HB 45 that disqualify the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit properties from Historic Tax Credit eligibility and allow auditors to assess the value of affordable housing based on market rate rather than income-based rent ceilings. These provisions will have a detrimental impact on the redevelopment of vacant historic buildings and continued operation of existing affordable housing in historic buildings within Cincinnati, Hamilton County and our region. We encourage you to provide new legislation and policy that will reverse these provisions.”


To contact Governor Mike DeWine
Governor’s Hotline: (614) 644-4357
Office of the Governor, Mike DeWine
77 S. High Street – 30th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215

Find your Senate and House district 


To contact Senator Catherine D. Ingram- Senate District 9
Phone: (614) 466-5980
Senate Building
1 Capitol Square
Ground Floor-056
Columbus, Ohio 43215


To contact Senator Louis W Blessing III- Senate District 8
Phone: (614) 466-8068
Senate Building
1 Capitol Square
Ground Floor-041
Columbus, Ohio 43215


To contact Senator Steve Wilson- Senate District 7
Phone: (614) 466-9737
Senate Building
1 Capitol Square
1st Floor- 124
Columbus, Ohio 43215


To contact Representative Dani Issacsohn- House District 24
Phone: (614) 466-5786
77 S. High St
10th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215


To contact Representative Cecil Thomas- House District 25
Phone: (614) 466-1645
77 S. High St
10th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215


To contact Representative Sedrick Denson- House District 26
Phone: (614) 466-1308
77 South High Street
10th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215


To contact Representative Rachel Baker- House District 27
Phone: (614) 644-6886
77 S. High St
10th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215


To contact Representative Jessica Miranda- House District 28
Phone: (614) 466-8120
77 South High Street
14th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215


To contact Representative Cindy Abrams- House District 29
Phone: (614) 466-9091
77 South High Street
13th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215


To contact Representative Bill Seitz- House District 30
Phone: (614) 466-8258
77 South High Street
13th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215

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